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Monday, December 31, 2012

Clean Slate {2013}

2012 has been quite the year. Not quite the year like I accomplished a lot and Im proud of it... The kind of quite the year I say with an eye roll. I just look back and say "mehh" I got lazy this year, and things got all disorganized and out of hand and I don't like that! Im better than that! So, that is why im really looking forward to 2013! It is going to be all about new beginnings and fresh starts! A clean slate. Im gonna kick twenty-twelve in the booty! 
Now the dreaded word... resolutions. Do people still do that?! Im a big stickler for keeping my word and I HATE when others don't stick to there word! So when I think of resolutions I just think its just a bunch of unkept promises that are forgotten and never thought of ever again, basically I'm not a fan. So obviously I'm not going to make any twenty-thirteen resolutions, but I am going to do everything in my power to get and stay organized this year! 
{Thats a promise... NOT a resolution!}
To start off my {project organization} Im taking the 20 Days To Clean & Organize Your Home challenge! It is basically a 20 day plan with set tasks and goals each day and after the 20 days your house is supposed to be in tip top shape, plus it helps you gain new habits so all your hard work doesn't go to waste! I felt like it is exactly what I need to boost my motivation for the new year and to start getting organized! Why am I telling you this? well, I just need to be held accountable! 
Here is the day one sheet, I stole the sheets from The Organised House Wife who is the fonder of this grand challenge and is so fantastic! She has day by day post of the whole project so I recommend you take a look at hers if you're planning on doing this! The only problem is that I wanted it to be a little more personal, and I wanted the date that Im actually working on to be on the sheet {hers was done in September}, so I redid the sheets to kinda do my own thing.
So here is mine:
{If you don't like it there is always another one on the other blog I linked you to}
So today is all about your kitchen!
For the cleaning:
  • Load dishwasher
  • Wipe over sink
  • Clean the benches
  • Wipe down the cupboard doors
  • Dust on top of the overhead cupboards   
  • Clean the microwave
  • Wipe over walls
  • Clean window and window sills
  • Dust light fittings
{Make sure you ONLY do these things! Other stuff is reserved for other days! And really give those things listed an extra clean!}

Good luck! I hope you really consider doing this challenge! And I want to hear about your progress! 

Happy New Year!

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